Tuesday, December 2

Shame On You Price Gouger!

Shame on all of you who are buying up all the hot toys this year and selling them for 2-3 times more than you paid! Maybe I should send you a picture of my little boy's sad face on Christmas morning because he couldn't have a certain toy he wanted. All because you had to make a profit for yourself! I hope you are left with crap you don't need after the holiday season. Maybe I shouldn't have waited till the last minute to buy their stuff, but that doesn't give you the right to cheat my children out of getting what they want.


Gena said...

I have to totally agree!!!

Sarah said...

I should have included that in my WalMart rant the other day! There were people here buying things at Best Buy and then taking them out to the parking lot and reselling ON SITE! for a profit. And the reason people were buying? They didn't want to stand in line. Are you kidding me?

Tena said...

Preach it sister!!! AMEN!
Greed is an ugly ugly character for one to have

Jenni said...

You are preaching to the Mommy Choir, here...

People stink.

kel said...

Say it, sister!!