I am a doting mother of 3 and a devoted Air Force wife. I love to cook but prefer going out to eat. I never have a free moment to myself. I have some of the best friends in the world and half of them I've never met. I am as blessed as they come yet still find something to complain about. I married an amazing man who drives me insane. My house is never quiet and my laundry is never done. I am a breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby wearing, vaccinating, stay-at-home mom. I love to shop any sale any day of the week. I'm not religious but I believe in something. I am obsessed with taking pictures of my children and digital scrapping. I am fluent in babynese and nonsense. Sarcasm is my 2nd language. I am a professional procrastinator. I have yet to distinguish the difference in eating to live and living to eat. I am not perfect, I am me. I lost my mind almost 7 years ago, join me as I live to tell about it.
I wish I would have had more time today but the ADT guy is coming and my house is a hot mess! I can't wait to see everyone elses though. If you'd like to join in just click the Fix It Friday image at the top of this post!
I LOVE your fix-it 2 - beautiful :D
I love numbers 1 and 2. Awesome!
Very nice Conversions...#2 is awesome!
Wow! All of your edits are gorgeous. I esp. love 1 and 2. Nice job!
oh i love the first 2. great job!
I like the first one, it looks a lot like my edit so therefore, it's my favorite! Only kidding. Great job.
Love the color in the second one, gorgeous edits!
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