Friday, March 6

Aloha Friday

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day to take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

If you had $500 to spend on ANYTHING for yourself what would it be?

I would probably buy a new lens. Shocking I know. It was the first thing that popped into my head and this is supposed to be an easy thinking kind of day.

For more Aloha Friday fun, head on over to An Island Life and join in!


janetfaye said... 1

I would spend it on clothes and something for my grandson.

My Trendy Tykes said... 2

Ahhhh.....I would probably buy some clothes, some new SUMMER SHOES (cute heels), some new font cartridges for my Cricut and spend the rest on my kiddos.

(maybe get them a pack of gum if they are really good. ROFL!)


Anonymous said... 3

First thought is a really nice handbag.

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said... 4

A new driver for golf and a festive piece of jewelry from the Wendy Newman collection!!!

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said... 5

A new driver for golf and a festive piece of jewelry from the Wendy Newman collection!!!

Anonymous said... 6

Shopping for clothes and shoes!

Gena said... 7

A new camera! Thanks to you! LOL

Dee said... 8

Oh good idea..yeah I would love a new lens too! Or maybe some new maternity clothes!

Anonymous said... 9

hmmm laptop maybe
camera maybe
clothes probably

not sure

sues2u2 said... 10

First thought is one heck of a shopping trip @ several craft stores while on spring break up visiting my parents! We don't have any craft stores in our nearest town; the closest is 1 1/2 hrs away. boo, hoo.

And can I just say that after reading your "about me" comment we could be twins! My hubby retired from the AF 6 yrs ago though, my babies are waaay to old @ 11 & 6 to be nursing although the 6 yr old still sometimes finds her way into our bed! I am very religious but not fanatical, sarcasm is a way of life, baby, & I am definitely the world's biggest procrastinator! I've also just become your newest follower. Also your babies are adorable & mini me's just like my kiddos!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said... 11

If I had to spend it on something for me, I would probably buy a netbook computer and a new digital camera.

Jaime said... 12

i'm not sure, i so rarely spend money on myself.

i'd hit the spa. get a relaxing massage and totally pamper myself for a change.