Monday, September 8

I'm THAT Mom...

Yea, you know the one who knows her kid is sick but sends them to school anyway. Justyn has been fighting a cold since Friday evening, but this morning he woke up with a croup cough. Just last night I was telling a friend that Justyn always gets sick this time of year and it's normally croup and then *BAM* he wakes up with a croup cough. I was going to keep him home but he cried because he actually likes going to school. Whose child is this? Anyway, yea, so I'm that mom, that I always bitched about when Justyn would get sick in preschool.


Michelle6979 said...

I'm THAT mom too. Only one time did he get sent home anyway. And the nurse sat there and screamed at me like I was a 5 year old. Boy she pissed me off, lol.