Friday, October 24

Aloha Friday

IT'S FRIDAAAAAAAAAAY! The last day of the week for waking up early, making lunches, and running all over creation. It's finally time to start winding down and getting ready for the relaxing weekend. So I'm joining Kailani over at Island Life for a little Aloha Friday. Every Friday Kailani challenges us to an easy question that takes minimal effort to answer and asks us to do the same. So here is my question...

What is your hobby?

I love to take pictures and do digital scrapping. If I could get away with doing it all day every day I would, LOL.


docemdy said... 1

Just like you, I love taking pictures. I haven't tried digital scrapping though.

Beth @ TheAngelForever said... 2

I love to take photos (thank goodness for digital cameras), blog, read and knit. It is so hard to pick between the last two at night. Of course I could get a book on CD to fix this.

Cathi said... 3


Dee said... 4

I LOVE taking pictures. I got a Rebel for mothers day and am IN LOVE! I HAVE all the stuff for PAPER child is 15 months old and i STILL havent really started his! BUT I've bought LOADS of paper and stickers and all kinds of other cutesie stuff!

I also like to make jewelry. I am slacking a little since having my little man. You cant have beads and other jewelry stuff out for them to get ahold of!!!

Svr said... 5

I love taking photos too, but I'll have to wait to try the digital scrapping thing until I get a new for now my hobby is blogging!! WOO HOO!

Come play mine:

Jennifer said... 6


Happy Aloha Friday!

Gem said... 7

Other than blogging, digi scrapping and creating video slideshows.

Dee said... 8

OH NO!!! You cant sell it..its kind of from your mom! He's gotta understand that!!!

Anonymous said... 9

blogging? lol I also love to read and take pictures of my son :)

sheila said... 10

blogging about my teenagers. It's good payback for the last 18 years.

MamaJoss said... 11 in hobby?
I have too many that I equally love...but my favorites are - working on/designing my family website, crocheting, painting, sewing yada yada...

Jenni said... 12

Does blogging count?

I'd say blogging, reading, and choreographing aerobics classes!

Kailani said... 13

Well, besides Blogging I guess it would have to be sewing. I don't do it as much as I used to but I still really enjoy it.


The Farmer Files said... 14

Taking pictures!

Tena said... 15

toss up between sleeping, reading and taking pictures! Right now sleeping is just about top of my list right now... yawn!!!